Friday, September 21, 2007

Francois Pyrard in Maldives

Well here I am again. In my search for historical documents, yet again I happened to come across a pot of gold!!!

In Simon’s blog the entry titled An important journal for us is the pot. Or is it Simon's blog itself that is the pot? The gold, definitely, is the historical accounts of Francois Pyrard.

The voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas and Brazil, v.1 / Payard, Francois. _ London : Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1887. _ 524 p.

Full text is online – how exciting! A little cumbersome to read as it has been scanned page by page.

Simon’s blog actually is quite interesting as it has given me a glimpse of the information culture of Maldivians. I can safely say that we are a reading public – the only thing missing was quality material to read.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear, the link for Pyrard's document doesn't seem to work.

Livehack said...

thanks a lot. now i wouldn't have to order it. Amazon lists it at $325!